Pros and Cons of Franchising a Restoration Company

Restoration Company Franchising

Robert Kiyosaki said it best: “If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.” This saying holds true if you are building a restoration business. Starting as an independent company can seem exciting, then quickly turn overwhelming when you face challenges that pop up along the way. […]

Why Peer Networks Are Essential in the Restoration Industry

Restoration Peer Networking

Even the most motivated entrepreneurs can’t build successful businesses alone. If you want your restoration company to thrive, then you need to look for ways to maintain peer networks in the industry. This strategy doesn’t mean that you need to join a franchise organization. Instead, you can maintain your independent business structure and still maintain […]

Building Networking Relationships That Will be a Source of Referrals

We all want more leads, that’s just a part of being in the water damage restoration business. For the last few weeks, we’ve been breaking down the different source of leads. Specifically, we’ve looked at how restoration specialists can build relationships that can be leveraged for referrals. Each of these referrals sources, from plumbing and […]

Creating Referral Relationships With Carpet Cleaners

We Provide You the Formula for Success More Floods provides non-franchised restoration companies unique business systems and exclusive training and education that unlock high growth. We are a member-based network of independent restoration companies.  Our members are the envy of their local competitors because they have exclusive rights to use our proven formula – unique […]

A Smart Approach to Third Party Administrators

In the Water Damage Restoration industry, there is a fair amount of debate about the usefulness of third party administrators. Some love the convenience of the referrals these organizations send their way while others get frustrated by the quality of the jobs they secure through TPAs. A third party administrator works in partnership with insurance […]

5 Networking Resources for Water Damage Restoration Professionals

Surrounding yourself with a supportive group of professionals is invaluable in the water damage restoration industry. Whether you’re a crew member employed by a restoration business or you’re the business owner yourself, growth is heavily dependent on networking and learning from others. In a specialized field like ours, it isn’t always easy to find peers […]

The Power of Networking for Creative Thinking in Business Ownership

Creative problem solving is a part of what we do each day as business owners in the water damage restoration industry. Unfortunately, we often try to create solutions on our own, operating our companies without support or friendship because we’re fearful of competition or feel we’re too busy for the time and effort networking requires. […]