Customer experience is one of the most important factors that influence how people feel about your brand. Every time a customer interacts with your company, the person forms an opinion about the services and customer care. Your staff members and crew are interacting with customers every day, which is why they are a critical part of creating a positive customer experience.

Designing the right business systems is an important step to maintain consistency in how your brand reputation is managed. This reputation can make-or-break your restoration company, which is why systems should be a priority in your company.

Why Customer Experience Influences Your Bottom Line

If you want to boost your profits, then you need to look at the experience your customers are having with your company. Here are a few of the reasons why customer experience matters for your business:

  1. Build Brand Loyalty: When a customer has a great experience, then there is an 86% chance they will buy again from the company. In the restoration business, it is essential to build long-term relationships so your customers come back whenever services are needed again in the future.
  2. Bring in Referrals: Good customer experience not only increases the likelihood of repeat sales, but there is a great chance that the person will refer or recommend your company. Referrals help your business grow by bringing in new, quality leads.
  3. Boost Revenue: In addition to building good customer relationships, it’s also important to consider how customer experience impacts your business-to-business relationships. For example, if a customer is referred by an insurance agent and that customer is highly satisfied with the services, then it is likely that the insurance agent will refer other leads in the future.
  4. Avoid Negative Reviews: It is common for potential customers to read online reviews before choosing a restoration company. One bad experience could paint the wrong picture, causing you to miss out on potential sales. Avoid these issues by protecting your reputation, which keeps your business strong.
  5. Experience vs Price: Even though price is often thought to be the most important factor in a sale, 64% of consumers say that customer experience is more important than the cost of the product or service. People are willing to pay more money when they know they are going to have a good experience. Look for ways to make the buying process simple and customer-focused, encouraging customers to come back again in the future.

Ultimately, there are two critical relationships that need to be built in the restoration industry. First, you need to ensure a good customer experience for the loss victim. This person is already facing challenges due to the damage in their home, which is why good customer experience is essential. Also, consider the experience offered to the referring party such as insurance agents, plumbers, etc.

For more information about improving customer experience, check out our free guide Customer Service is the New Branding. This download shows you improvements you can make that will have a deep impact on your restoration business.

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