As an owner or manager of an independent water damage restoration company, the weight of marketing your company both online and offline rests primarily on your shoulders. By now, we are sure you have realized that the list of places and mediums where you can spend your precious marketing dollars seems endless.

There is search engine optimization, or SEO, social media marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and email marketing. And those are just a few of the most popular ways to market your company online. When you venture into the offline world of marketing, you experience direct mail, print advertising, event market, and referral marketing. With so many choices, how do you choose?

The truth is, many water damage restoration marketers miss out on the full benefit of their marketing efforts because they do not integrate their online and offline marketing. While it may be easy to view these two avenues for advertising as completely separate from one another, in reality, the two go hand in hand. Are you ready to begin taking steps toward your full marketing potential? Implement these tried and true methods for integrating your online and offline marketing.

Devote Yourself to Social Media Marketing

Effective digital marketing has been shown to increase both online and offline sales. There are countless studies that show how business-to-business buyers use social media to inform their buying decision (some studies indicate 70% or more – check out this great info-graphic).  It only makes sense for every company to devote themselves to developing a social media presence, using it to promote both online and offline business.

What does this look like practically? Let’s take a look at one example – referral sources are one of the most beneficial offline methods for securing more business. Empower and supplement your face-to-face efforts to build relationships with existing and potential referral sources by connecting with them and engaging online. Building online community with contractors and insurance agents who can send water damage restoration your way is an incredibly effective way to bring awareness to your brand, maintain your presence with referral sources and achieve greater results for your overall marketing spend.

Use the Same Vision to Shape Both Offline and Online Marketing

Whether you are marketing online or offline, every bit of marketing material you put out in the public eye represents your company and the brand you are a creating. Because of this, it is important to use the same vision to shape both offline and online marketing. This means, print materials should use the same logos and designs elements as your website, online ads, or social media promotional materials.

When done well, your efforts will create a conceptual bridge between your online and offline marketing presence, blurring the line between the two and creating a continuous brand experience for your customers.

Use Offline Marketing to Drive Traffic to Your Online Presence

Every bit of print material you produce should not only market your business, but also encourage viewers to engage with your business online. Create a link between these two worlds by following a few basic guidelines. First, always put your website address on every piece of marketing material. Secondly, use the same keywords that appear on your website and online advertising on any print materials your produce. Lastly, use promotional materials to direct new customers to your social media pages by including the address your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites.

Most importantly, as you work towards integrating your online and offline marketing for water damage restoration work, remember that it is all marketing. Stop thinking about digital marketing and traditional marketing as different spokes on a wheel. Once you have set concrete and clear marketing goals, following the tips we have provided above, make sure you are integrating the two approaches and tracking your results and you are sure to be pleased with your success.

To learn more about marketing your business both off and online, click here or call 1-866-667-3356 to get more information about becoming a More Floods member.

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